What sex bots tell us about male sexuality

Recently the Misogynist Raging Assholes are having a tantrum over the alleged feminist conspiracy to ban their sex robots. According to MRAs, feminists want to ban the sex bots because when women have to compete with robots for male attention, the robots will win, since feminists are so fat, ugly, and unwilling to put out, and since the availability of sex bots will drive the price of sex way down. The MRAs believe that all interactions between men and women consist of transactions where men get sex and women get stuff in return. Therefore, according to their theory, women do things to keep the price of sex high so that we can get a lot of stuff from men who want sex from us.

It’s a very sad little world that MRAs live in. They have no idea that men and women actually form relationships and friendships with each other all the time, and that we get joy and pleasure from being together, and interacting pleasantly, the way humans do when they’re not hateful, small-minded morons. MRAs basically think that all men hate women as much as they do, and that heterosexual sex consists of men fucking someone they hate, just for the orgasm, and women allowing their bodies to be used in order to gain something in return.

Actual sex, you know, the kind that isn’t rape, is a mutually pleasurable experience where all parties involved are there because they enjoy doing what they’re doing and wish to experience sexual pleasure together. Sex-as-a-transaction is a product of capitalist patriarchy where men are people and women are objects, and everything in life is commodified and sold in the marketplace. Since women do not have fully human status, we are fair game for selling in the marketplace and so men sell us and buy us.

Sex-as-a-transaction is based on a male-centric and penis-centric idea of what sex is. To the MRA, sex is when a person (man) thrusts his penis inside of something until he ejaculates. In this model of sex, it really doesn’t matter what the receptacle is. They prefer to use human women as receptacles because the added dimension of dominance over women’s bodies gives them an extra high as they ejaculate. However, men will also use children, animals, and inanimate objects as receptacles because when your definition of sex is simply “thrusting my penis into a thing” then the thing can truly be anything. Notice that in this model of sex, there is no distinction to be made between sex and rape. Misogynist Raging Assholes do not distinguish between the two because the receptacle he uses does not matter to him and whether the receptacle agrees to be a receptacle or not does not matter. The only thing that matters to him is that he gets to fuck something or someone who is subordinate to him.

So that brings us to sex robots. It is perfectly logical that a Misogynist Raging Asshole would want to fuck an inanimate object shaped like a human female. That’s because they already think of human females as objects so it’s not a stretch to fuck an actual object. Since they are not aware that sex is an intrinsically rewarding positive interaction between two human subjects, they are not aware of any difference between fucking a robot and fucking an actual human being. Thrusting their penis into an inanimate object meets their definition of sex. 

The reason that the robots are shaped like human women, instead of being shaped like any other thing, is because of the cultural perception that women and sex are the same thing. Sex isn’t an activity that MRAs experience with another person, sex is something women are. We are the chosen receptacle for their bodily fluids. Simply seeing women anywhere, on the street, in the workplace, in the store, wherever, is a sexual experience for men. They look at a woman and they see sex. The sight of our bodies is an indication that orgasm is coming. The constant use of pornography among Misogynist Raging Assholes ensures they continue to think this way. If they do not wish to see themselves as rapists they bargain with the woman before fucking her. They offer her money, food, marriage, etc to get her to agree to being his receptacle. However, the actual activity—using a woman as a receptacle—does not change whether the woman has agreed to it or not. It is quite indistinguishable from rape. Sex that does not perfectly resemble rape is something that MRAs have never even thought about. It has not occurred to him that sex might be something that women want to do just for the sake of it, something we might find pleasurable. They cannot see us as sexual subjects with our own desires to be fulfilled. If at any point they do come across a woman who desires sex on her own terms, they will label her a slut and deem her unfuckable. That’s because MRAs wish for their receptacles to be exactly like sex bots, and not like people. We are just there for him, we cannot have a self of our own.

I’ve met plenty of women who have found decent husbands who respect them as people and have mature adult relationships. I wouldn’t marry a man myself but I know that there are men who do understand what sex and relationships with woman are and who can do them just fine. But the men who think that sex bots are better than human women are men who cannot see women as human beings and who cannot distinguish between sex and rape. I say, if these men would prefer a robot over a human being, let them have their robots. I wouldn’t wish any actual women to have the misfortune of having to interact with them.

If I came out against sex bots, it would only be from an anti-capitalist perspective. Sex robots are an unnecessary luxury item for the rich, and I am against all unnecessary luxury items for the rich on the basis that no one should have luxuries while other people go without the basics of life. If men have so much money that they can afford to buy a robot to ejaculate in when all they truly need is a sock, then they shouldn’t have that much money. We should share our resources equally and the only way some people can be rich is if other people are poor. However, I do not oppose the use of sex bots on the basis of them creating competition for women and driving the price of sex down. That is complete and utter nonsense. Women are not actually competing for the attention of rapists and wannabe rapists. We actually want to stay the fuck away from them and we are actively working to create a culture where this sort of pro-rape attitude no longer exists. Sex is not actually a commodity. Men have been trying to commodify sex for a long, long, time but all they’ve done is commodify rape. Mutual, consensual sex has no price tag.

5 thoughts on “What sex bots tell us about male sexuality

  1. that was absolutely superb!

    I however am opposed to sex bots. Unless we were using them as a sting to capture the Misogynist Raging Assholes and then lock them up somewhere. The third so keen on porn I’m thinking maaaaaybe, I dungeon! and there’s the Off Track Betting Problem. This is that once something is a commodity they’ll be advertising for it. Calvin Trillin I had a column way back in the 80s about when off-track betting was created in New York State, where there are legal betting parlors in the city where you can bet on horse races as if you were out of the track. It was to undermine illegal bookie operations. Before it started up he was all for it. But once it started he discovered that it also meant there was going to be all this advertising, I think TV commercials included, that is actually promoting gambling. So it starts out to undermine gangster power and ends up normalizing the promotion of something that causes terrible harm in people’s lives. We had the same thing when lotteries came to Ontario in the 1980s. All of a sudden there are endless TV commercials, you’re in Canada to right Purple Sage? so you’ve seen them. 😖 An actual sex bot industry would mean masses of commercials. Just imagine them! Promoting the exact, not real version of sex that you described so extremely well. So other than that I would agree with you. But now I’m thinking the sex bot advertising industry would make a great science-fiction movie. 😊

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  2. I do like the idea of a feminist hacking group hacking into all the sex robots and programming them to chop the MRAs dicks off. 😉 But realistically, there aren’t that many dudes who actually want these things, most men actually do prefer human women. Among the men who do want sex robots, lots will never afford them. They will only ever be the domain of rich, creepy, rapey assholes who don’t have wives. And honestly, that group of men is a problem for WAY more reasons than just sex bots. I think the reason I’m not coming out strongly opposed to sex bots is because I think of them more as a symptom of the problem, rather than the problem itself. The capitalist patriarchy and the commodification of women’s bodies is the problem, you take away sex bots and the problem is still there. You challenge the patriarchy on all fronts, including porn and prostitution, and you attack the problem at the root: male supremacy. I would gladly campaign to ban the robots but honestly they’re not my biggest concern.

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  3. The problem with sex robots is the same problem I have with prostitution: It could end up not actually reducing the harm done to women, but reinforcing men’s entitlement. The very existence of prostitution makes men feel entitled to “sex”. Even men who don’t go to prostitutes know that they could. And treat all women accordingly. (Which is why “sex work” arguments do not matter to me. Yes, maybe some women want to be prostitutes. So what?)
    Men used to sexbots could demand that women allow them to recreate the harmful (or physically impossible) sex acts they performed on robots. They already do that with porn, and it is already horrible.

    The best case scenario would be that all men who view women as objects buy themselves a sexbot and live happily ever after, until they go extinct because sexbots cannot get pregnant. But that’s not going to happen. They will still want to humiliate real women.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Just saw this post, and it seems to me a very good idea indeed if the men who see women as receptacles and have this level of contempt for us use Sex Bots. If we can encourage them to use Sex Bots we women will be spared their “company”.

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