How do you intend to address the upcoming trans generation?

This is another response to a troll named Angie who was commenting on this post.

Angie asked:

“Out of curiosity, how do you guys intend on addressing the upcoming generation of transgender folks, who’ve transitioned much earlier than the current generation?
I work in an elementary school, and we currently have a 5 year old transgender student. She identifies as a girl, is accepted by her peers as a girl, will likely be on hormone therapy before puberty etc etc. As an adult woman, having lived all but the first 3-4 years of her life as a girl…do you plan to tell her she’s not a real woman because she lacks a uterus? That she’s a man, despite being raised and socialized as female?
When our children come to us, utterly distressed and feeling trapped in the wrong bodies…what course of action do you folks advocate? Knowing that all of the science supports early intervention as the best route to good outcomes for trans kids…that years passing without intervention corresponds directly with rising suicide rates in transgender youth…do you still advocate denying these kids their identities, and insisting biology rules? Or does saving lives play a factor?”

Angie has swallowed trans activist propaganda whole without doing any critical thinking about it and therefore is missing some vitally important information about the “trans kids” that she is talking about. The most important things that Angie is missing about “trans kids” is that most of them will desist in their gender dysphoria as they get older, and that many of these kids are same-sex attracted, and would be considered gay, lesbian, or bisexual if we didn’t have this gender-worshipping social movement going on.

In a study called Factors Associated With Desistence and Persistence of Childhood Gender Dysphoria: A Quantitative Follow-Up Study published in the Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Volume 52 Number 6 June 2013, the authors cited a collection of other studies that investigated persistence and desistance of gender dysphoria and concluded that:

“Many children who experience gender dysphoria (GD), a sense of discomfort from incongruence between their gender identity and assigned sex, will not continue to experience dysphoria into adolescence and adulthood. However, a substantial minority (2–27% across studies) will continue to report GD and may seek services for gender reassignment later in life.”

Studies also show that a large percentage of kids with gender dysphoria are same-sex attracted. In the study Desisting and Persisting Gender Dysphoria After Childhood: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study published in Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 16(4) 499-516 2010, the authors noted the high percentage of bisexual and homosexual attraction among the study participants and that people who persist in gender dysphoria after childhood overwhelmingly tend to be same-sex attracted:

“All persisters reported feeling exclusively, and for as long as they could remember, sexually attracted to individuals of the same natal sex…”

The DSM-5 says the same thing:

“For both natal male and female children showing persistence, almost all are sexually attracted to individuals of their natal sex.
For natal male children whose gender dysphoria does not persist, the majority are androphilic, (sexually attracted to males) and often self-identify as gay or homosexual (ranging from 63% to 100%).
In natal female children whose gender dysphoria does not persist, the percentage who are gynephilic (sexually attracted to females) and self-identify as lesbian is lower (ranging from 32% to 50%).”

Note in this screenshot from the DSM-5, it also mentions that less than half of kids with gender dysphoria will still have it when they grow up.

These “trans kids” we keep seeing in the media are very likely, according to the available research, to be same-sex attracted and to grow up to accept themselves as gay or lesbian. This is why Kenneth Zucker, a prominent Canadian researcher in gender dysphoria, advocated for a “wait-and-see” approach.

“Dr. Zucker argued in published research and previous interviews that his therapy should be guided by the age of the patient and based on best evidence, particularly longitudinal studies that showed that gender identity is “malleable” in young children, and that the majority will outgrow their cross-gender identity by the time they are teenagers, and most often grow up to be gay adults.”

Trans activists today do not want to wait and see if same-sex-attracted children will grow up to be comfortable in their bodies and accepting of themselves as gay or lesbian, even though they know this is a likely outcome. They want all children who express a trans identity to immediately be given puberty-blockers followed by cross-sex hormones and taught to believe they are literally the opposite sex. They think that anything else is “conversion therapy” which is yet another reversal of reality. Giving gay and lesbian kids body modifications so that they appear to be heterosexual members of the opposite sex is conversion therapy.

Lupron, the drug commonly used to delay puberty, is not approved for use on children for transgender treatment and is being used off-label with no documented long-term studies of its effects. There are already adults who were given Lupron for precocious puberty who are speaking out against “serious physical and emotional adverse events” such as pain and soreness, anxiety and depression, high heart rate, IBS, memory loss, insomnia, crippling migraines, osteoporosis, and more.

Children whose puberty is blocked and then go on to take cross-sex hormones become sterile, because their sex organs never mature. Also, MtF transsexuals whose genitals never mature may not have enough genital material to even use to create a vaginoplasty. This means they will look like eunuchs, not women.

Our troll Angie asked “how do you guys intend on addressing the upcoming generation of transgender folks, who’ve transitioned much earlier than the current generation?”
Well, here’s the thing, Angie. After all the incredible medical abuse these kids have suffered, I am 100% certain that they’ll be suing the doctors who did this to them as soon as they’re old enough to process and think critically about what happened to them. Sooner or later they’re going to realize that adults failed them by giving them dangerous drugs and telling them that they could become the opposite sex when they can’t, all because they felt uncomfortable with their gender nonconformity and their sexual orientation. They’re going to realize what gender critical feminists have been arguing all along: that it’s not okay to give dangerous drugs to kids and sterilize them, with unknown long-term side effects, just because they were playing with toys marketed to the other sex and with their immature thinking skills decided that this meant they were literally the opposite sex.

So what will I do to address the upcoming generation of people who were given dangerous drugs and sterilized before they were old enough to realize what their dysphoric feelings really meant? Several things: I will listen to them, promote their words, support their activism, and donate to their legal funds when they sue the doctors who abused them.

There is already a growing community of detransitioners, many of whom are lesbians, who are discussing other ways to deal with dysphoria, and I have already started reblogging and promoting them when they provide important information. See the list of detransitioners in my sidebar, and see Carey Callahan’s excellent YouTube channel. We will be seeing more and more detransitioners as time goes on, as more people realize they’ve been sold a bill of goods and decide to reconcile with themselves.

There are some other things in your comment that I take issue with, but they are smaller points than what I have laid out above. For example, you say that a boy can live “as a girl,” and that’s not true, because a girl is a young human female and there is no way for a human male to “live as” a human female. He is simply living in a feminine gender role. The people around him know he’s a boy, so he’s living as a special boy, not as a girl. I also take an issue with the phrase “feeling trapped in the wrong body” because there is no way for a body to be wrong. We are living animals and our bodies are literally what we are made out of and who we are. Bodies are good; we can mistakenly perceive them as “wrong” but they aren’t actually wrong.

Trans activists think that I am hateful, bigoted and phobic for not supporting the idea that some human beings are born inherently needing to take Lupron and be sterilized, but time will tell that it’s the people who promoted medical experimentation on kids who were the hateful bigots. I am in favor of giving everyone an opportunity to grow up in their natural body and accept themselves as they are, so they can have the best and healthiest possible life. Any decisions to make major body modifications should be made as fully-informed mature adults who are acting from a place of self-love and acceptance, not a place of fear and self-hate. Adults who are accepting of themselves rarely will want any body modifications, but if they do, I do not plan to stop them.

Someday the medical abuse of a group of mostly gay and lesbian people will go down in the history books as another method of homophobic gay conversion therapy, just like the lobotomy and shock therapy of previous decades. I certainly intend to support the victims of this form of abuse.

22 thoughts on “How do you intend to address the upcoming trans generation?

  1. You hit it out of the park AGAIN!! Well-done, and I love the screen shots of the studies. This really brings it home for people who are unwilling to consider the research and won’t click on links.

    Lots of great insights, too – one I especially appreciate:

    there is no way for a human male to “live as” a human female. He is simply living in a feminine gender role. The people around him know he’s a boy, so he’s living as a special boy, not as a girl.


    One other thing I would add about the issue of trans kids actually being gay or lesbian. There are already specific trans kid stories out there that scream conversion therapy. There is a letter/article somewhere online written by Gavin Grimm, the trans identified woman bringing the Supreme Court case about bathrooms, where Grimm describes her attraction to females and how she knew that meant she was a guy. She’s from a conservative family.

    I also read a depressing news story recently about a young Mormon woman who came out as lesbian to her mother. Distraught, her mother did an online search and triumphantly announced to her daughter: You’re not a lesbian, you’re a trans man! (I can look for these links if you want them.)

    For most of these trans kids, transitioning is gay/lesbian conversion therapy. I know you know that, Purple Sage, just commenting for Angie and others who might be reading.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Not meant as a criticism here, but it’s true that most children with gender dysphoria will recover from it. However, the evidence is fairly clear in suggesting that children who still have gender dysphoria *after the onset of puberty* will continue to display it into adulthood. I would think that by that point (ages 12-14 ish) much less harm would be done by prescribing hormone replacement therapy.

    Early access to hormone therapy isn’t an idea that came from nowhere; it’s something that comes from gender dysphoria sufferers themselves. The average 13 or 14 year old with gender dysphoria isn’t simply someone who likes playing with the “wrong toys” or living in the “wrong gender role”, but someone experiencing a fairly extreme amount of distress about the “defectiveness” of their body. Most of us are speaking from an experience of hormone therapy/surgery/etc being something that helped alleviate that distress, even if, as you acknowledge, our bodies will still always be defective compared to “real” men and women. The push for early access to transition comes mostly from people who have transitioned (particularly in late adolescence/early adulthood), not from medical professionals.

    Obviously there are people who are dysphoric at 14 but grow out of it at the age of 16 or 18, but it’s unclear how to tell them apart from the majority….. and, in some cases, whether they actually have desisted, or are still experiencing dysphoria and simply suppressing it.


    • I largely agree for cases where people have gender dysphoria as children and continue to have it as adolescents. I don’t know what causes gender dysphoria, if it is cultural or biological or some combination, but transition can be considered palliative care in these rare cases. The problem is that there has been a surge of young people identifying as transgender, often do to an age-appropriate existential crisis and not because of gender dysphoria that has lasted since childhood. It is normal for young people to search of an identity and social group, to rebel against parental expectations, and push against society’s limits. Trangender offers a way for kids to do all of these at once. It also offers an attractive narrative for young people who are are struggling with social isolation and body hatred. Figuring out which teens have long-term gender dysphoria and which what has been termed “rapid onset gender dysphoria” is difficult for the medical community, as the later group has been known to lie in order to get access to treatment.


      • But people could have rapid-onset dysphoria because of rapid hormonal changes, such as puberty, or endocrine problems, or pregnancy.

        And people could seem to have rapid-onset dysphoria if they’ve had ongoing dysphoria, but they’re not hiding it any more, or they’re not able to hide it as coping aren’t working any more.


    • This is not hormone replacement therapy. Replacement means that the thing is supposed to be there but is missing, so you’re putting it back. There is literally nothing about a human male that suggests he was ever supposed to have a female level of estrogen. He is producing the correct amount of estrogen for his sex (a very small amount) and there is nothing to replace.

      If you’re so uncomfortable in your body that you’re willing to poison it with cross-sex hormones or cut up healthy tissue, you need therapy, not “transition.”


  3. Great post, thank you. For many of us, being born 10-20 years earlier is the difference between growing up to become happy, healthy LGB adults or growing up to become trans patients for life. That’s quite a sobering thought.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Love your quick, thoughtful, and incisive commentary, always. Well done and laid out for easy read for those who don’t yet “get” it and won’t , as lilith pointed out, click on links or do own research.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Too bad they’re allergic to the science of biology, otherwise this thing would be settled. Men are not women and can never be women. To state otherwise is to buy into a delusion, and they’re playing right into the hands of the greedy doctors and pharmaceutical companies, while stripping actual women of their rights.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I would like your permission to translate your text and publish it on one of the few sites here in my country that is critical to the transition of children and trans cult in general. Of course the translation would go along with the link to the original article in English . I await your response and leave the site here (in Portuguese) if you want to know it.
    Best regards,


  7. Kids can’t change sex and society recognises that sex. The child spoken of will be treated as a boy, a boy pretending to be a girl, a special boy perhaps, but with all the male socialisation that boys get, because we recognise sex, his parents recognise sex, his teachers know that he is ‘trans’ his friends will mostly know. And he’ll grow up to be an adult male human being with medically induced problems, like a micro peen and a male sense of entitlement.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Trans support patriarchy. They support patriarchal gender roles.

    Just like Christian conservatives, they believe that women are makeup, purses, dresses, hairless, etc., and males are emotionless, loud, physically inclined, etc.

    The males especially support patriarchal gender roles, it’s evident in that when they want to perform the “feminine” role, they think that wearing a dress makes them a woman. Doing feminine things=feeling feminine, so they insist that they are women.

    If they are so homophobic that they insist on surgery, why don’t they move to Iran? Where you either have surgery or are executed?

    Seems like Iran is a tranny’s dream. The patriarchal state even pays for the surgery.


    • Do you know any trans people…?

      Yes, the original question was about childhood transitioners. And childhood transitioners tend to fit gender stereotypes. But other transitioners don’t tend to fit gender stereotypes. I don’t wear dresses or makeup and rarely wear skirts. I am attracted to other women, trans or not. The Iranian government wouldn’t like that.


      • If your actual sex is male, then the Iranian government would not have a problem with you dressing like other males and being attracted to women and transwomen who have undergone the forced surgery.
        They cannot see your gender identity if you do not conform to the stereotypes of the gender you identify as.

        And if your actual sex is female, then getting surgery in Iran would mean you’d be free to be with women or transwomen.

        So, what’s not to like?

        And don’t ask feminists here whether we know any trans people.

        I have, to my eternal regret, been stupid enough to socialize with some females who identified as different kinds of non-women.

        You are VERY mistaken to think that we’d suddenly agree with transpropaganda if only we “knew any trans people”.

        In fact, knowing those people has convinced me that not only are many trans people deluded (they seem to think that people can SEE their gender identity even though they dress like completely ordinary women) they are also aggressive and dangerous. The way they treated me even though they KNEW me made them look even worse than the same behaviour towards strangers on the internet does.

        If you meet a feminist in real life, pray and hope she has never met any trans people. Chances are she’ll be much more willing to listen to you.

        Liked by 1 person

        • “They cannot see your gender identity if you do not conform to the stereotypes of the gender you identify as.”

          I had a intense friendship with/crush on someone who turned out to be another trans girl. I think I picked up on something.

          I faced a lot of misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic bullying, up to getting bashed, growing up. I think the bullies picked up on something.

          “So, what’s not to like?”

          Well, besides it being wrong for everyone…

          I don’t think many of us would be able to cope without female-typical hormone levels. I had a lot of trouble, depression, dissociation before transition, and during interruptions after transition, when I had to switch doctors due to my disabilities.

          I do think it would make it harder, though not impossible, for people to find each other.

          Sharing hormones could help both partners cope, and for some of us it would give a chance for physical attraction as well as emotional attraction, but would make it harder for one partner to pass as a man.


  9. What will i do? I’ll contribute to their legal funds and read their tell all books and offer my support to any who grieve losing their fertility, health, sexual functioning, relationship w parents, etc. Anyone who thinks the upcoming generation of trans kids are gonna be healthy regular folks is out of their minds. Transition really reduces the dating pool for these folks, mostly to creepy chasers and other trans people.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I read that Philly scheduled and then cancelled two talks on detransition. I don’t know the details, but I think trans health resources should include detransition resources, and people working with trans clients or patients need to be able to work with detransitioning clients or patients.


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